Wednesday Work Day

Wednesday was the day of added projects. As we have been in and out of Georgia’s house and having some conversations with we we have come across some other little jobs that we decided to tackle since some kids were just sitting around. To do this Kelli took the 3 senior girls to Lowes to pick up some extra supplies. We walked in the door, hit that wall of air conditioning and just stood there a moment soaking it in. Wednesday was probably the hottest day yet. So we got the things on Terry’s list so we could take care of these little projects. The ceiling in the bathroom had some peeling paint from her roof leaking so Aaron K scrapped that off and put down a coat of paint. Her shed/laundry room ceiling was falling apart because of some leaks, insulation kind of moldy. So out came the old and in went new insulation and drywall. Jonathan and Jacob worked with Terry on that project. Emily, Molly and Nicole put back up one of the gutters that was taken off, cleaned out the gutter along the back of the house. While Avrey and Melanie handed up supplies like shingles, water bottles, hammers that were dropped, wet rages to cool off to the rest of the group up on the roof. After running to Lowes and lunch Emily and Kelli went up to the roof to help Jeff, Aaron R, Alex, and Sean shingle. We are getting a lot of work done and will be able to finish the roof Thursday and all the little extras.
We went to Sonic for half off shakes for small group Wednesday night and talked about how we have seen God work in our brokenness and how we need to put him in the center of our focus. The way out chapels are set up is we are lead in worship by some of the camp staff, there is a video teaching and then one of the camp staff follows it up with their personal story and application. It had been nice to get to know the staff more that way.
We have been very fortunate with weather this week, while hot hot hot, especially on the black roof, we have not had any of the thunderstorms or rain during the work day! Wednesday we heard the thunder around us but the storm kept missing us! Hopeful the predicted rain for today and tomorrow also hold off so we can enjoy a little of the area.

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